Helping you to get the most out of our region

Health, Beauty, Wellness

  • Life Rituals, an integrative medicine and healthcare practice in Oakham, runs a series of informative and empowering talks to support your physical and mental health at neighbouring cafe Fika. Clare Rudd-Jones caught up with Life Rituals’ founder, Jo George, to find out more

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  • Easy detox

    23rd January 2023

    If the rich and indulgent food of Christmas has left its mark and the enthusiasm for New Year’s resolutions has faded, then maybe the answer is to detox. Nutritionist Louise Cunliffe is here to help…

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  • Woolfox Lifestyle

    21st November 2022

    Woolfox has been re-born as a very exclusive lifestyle experience and it’s awesomely impressive from the moment you arrive. Nicholas Rudd-Jones went to take a look around

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  • Love your guts!

    24th October 2022

    Naturopathic nutritionist Louise Cunliffe, who works at The Broad Street Practice in Stamford, is particularly interested in gut health. Here, she explains here why good gut health is key to general well being

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  • Health & beauty: About face

    23rd September 2020

    We are lucky in our region to have a fantastic range of professional facialists who are passionate about their businesses and give clients every chance of the best skin possible. Bridget Steele asked local salon owners to tell us their favourite treatment, why they recommend it and what can be achieved

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